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Friday, August 8, 2008

~School Days~

Back in May, I couldn't wait for my kids to be out of school. I was excited (probably more than I should be) to not have to drag everyone, including myself out of bed at 7 a.m. so that we could get Andrew to school at 8 and Kaitlynn to school (on t/th) at 8:30. After 9 months of homework, fundraisers and getting creative with school lunches I'm pretty sure we all wanted a break. Summer turned out not to be as relaxing as I had hoped. We went on five "trips" that I can recall and we even had trips within trips.... then we needed vacations after our vacations... only we never got those. The weeks were filled with playdates, swimming lessons twice a week, gymnastics on Mondays, birthday parties, church, cleaning, a never-ending pile of laundry topped with swimsuits and beach towels....... the list goes on. Today is our last day of all that (besides fun with friends). Next week I'm aiming to get 3 months of energy back, in a matter of 7 days. August 18th Andrew starts his first day of First Grade. The principal from his elementary school called this morning to my surprise. She said that Andrew's Kindergarten teacher has recommended him for a combination class for first grade. The class will be taught by the school's most experienced teacher and will include the highest acheiving first-graders and second-graders. The combo class will challenge Andrew's intellect a bit more than Kindergarten so I'm thrilled to see what lies ahead for him!! Another perk is that the children being placed in this class must be free of discipline issues. Kinda makes it sound like Andrew's a good kid, huh?? They should see him at home ;)

Kaitlynn starts 2 day a week preschool again on Tuesday the 19th. We already know her teacher is Miss Tallie (as we requested) but next friday she will have a special time with the other students to visit her classroom and meet her teacher (even though we've known her for a couple years already!) All in all, forget all that mumbo jumbo about me counting down to the last day of school in May - I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO START AGAIN!!!


Unknown said...

Good Morning Chris, Just wanted to let you know I'm still reading your wonderful blogs. ;) The more I read the more I miss you. Maybe someday we could get together for lunch and chat :) Take Care of your beautiful babies Love, Shannan :)